Software download: Ballbar 20 V5.09.09 (zip)

Current software shipped with all QC20-W ballbar kits but also compatible with QC10 ballbars. PC requirements: Windows 7 or Windows 8. Microsoft.NET software V3.5 or higher will automatically be installed if required; please note this may take an additional 15 minutes.

Additional information

CAUTION: Any software installation can give rise to operating issues due to local system architecture and existing operating procedures. Whilst this software may offer additional features over your current version we recommend you follow your own corporate guidelines regarding software use before installation. This may involve contacting the appropriate I.T./Business Systems personnel within your organisation for guidance and assistance.   The installer will also check that the appropriate version of Microsoft.NET framework and Microsoft installer are available (the Microsoft components are not included in the download as they significantly increase the size of the files and time required to download and many users will already have them).If these components are not present when the installation is "run" then it will automatically try to connect to the internet to access current versions. If the target PC is not internet connected (you are "running" the installation after disconnecting from the internet or have transferred the download to another PC without internet access) then the installation will fail.   Alternatively, the required components can be downloaded directly from the Microsoft website at   Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Windows Installer 4.5   If this is likely to cause a problem then please contact your local Renishaw subsidiary who can provide an upgrade version including the additional components on CD.
Part number: F-8014-9008

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